Friday, July 29, 2011

More than just a pretty face: What colors represent in logo design

I've covered steps to create a logo, and things to keep in mind when you're designing and ad. Well, what about color? When you're designing your logo and marketing materials, the colors you use will have an impact on how they make people perceive you and how you come across.

I'm going to give you a little bit of insight into what colors mean and what images they can conjure up, so you can make sure that you're putting everything to work for you and taking the best advantage you possibly can.

One thing to remember, though, is that color references like the ones I'll talk about below are very culture-specific. What means joy in one culture can be a color of sadness or luck in another. I will be basing our color philosophies on the American culture at large, since it's what I know and where most of my personal customer base exists.

These color associations are good to keep in mind when designing for your business; whether your logo, a direct mail ad or a website. If you're a diet clinic, do you want a color in your logo that makes people hungry? Might not be a good idea! For an aerobics instructor, you'd want colors that make readers feel energized and excited, instead of drowsy and relaxed.

Red is a very strong color. It's very noticeable and is often used for caution and warning signs; It's associated with stop or "beware". It’s a hot color that evokes a powerful emotion of passion, sex, energy, blood and war. Red is a good color to use for accents that need to take notice over other colors. Red is often used in flags for nations, as it is a symbol of pride and strength. Many car manufacturers choose to use red to model their flagship vehicle styles, since it portrays a sporty feeling.

Orange is a combination of red and yellow, a bright and warm color. It represents fire, the sun, fun, warmth and tropical images. It's considered a light, fun color that has appetizing qualities to it. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain and stimulates mental activity, and it's highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Any design relating to the tropics, something fun, easy going and youthful should incorporate some type of orange into the design. A darker, richer shade of orange can be associated with autumn.

Yellow is the brightest color to the human eye. It represents fun, happiness, sunshine and other light playful feelings. It is a cheerful energetic color. Yellow is often used for children’s toys and clothes. Yellow is often hard to read when placed on a white background so designers must be careful when using yellow, that it isn't’t too difficult to read or notice. Though yellow is a bright cheerful color, as it starts to darken it, however, quickly becomes dirty and unpleasant.

Green is the color of nature and health. It represents growth, nature, money, fertility and safety. Green is a relaxing color that is easy on the eye and has a healing power to it. It is often used to represent anything having to do with health. Many pharmaceutical and nutritional companies use green in their logos and material to advertise safe natural products. Dark green is commonly associated with the military, money and banking, but it can also be associated with being new or inexperienced as being green or a "green horn".

Blue is a calming color that shows creativity and intelligence. It is a popular color among large corporations, hospitals and airlines.  It's a color of loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust. Blue has a calming effect on the mind. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and is often used to represent those images. Blue is a color that generally looks good in almost any shade and is a popular color among men. Blue is not a good color when used for food as there are few blue foods found in nature and it suppresses the appetite.

Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Throughout history, purple has been associated with royalty and prestige. It symbolizes mystery, magic, power and luxury. Purple is often used to portray rich powerful kings, leaders, wizards and magicians. Purple combined with gold can be flashy and portray wealth and extravagance. Light purple and pink is good for a feminine design and is a popular color among teenage girls. Bright purple along with yellow is commonly used in promoting children's products. It gives the appearance of something that is fun and easy to do.

Black is often a color used to portray something evil, depressing, scary or even death in western civilization.  It has negative imagery with it at times such as "blackmail" or "blacklist". Black is also a very powerful color that also portrays one of class elegance and wealth.  Classy clothing is designed in black from the "power suit" to the "sexy black dress" to formal "black-tie attire". Black combined with other colors can have a very strong statement.  Black is a color that can fit into almost every design to add contrast, type, and make the other colors stand out more.

White is often associated with being pure, clean, fresh and good. The color of a fresh snowstorm brings up images of a peaceful and pure winter scene. White is a common background for Webster's as it is easy to read black or dark text on it. When used with a design using lots of negative space it gives a very clean look to it. White is also used lots for charities and non-profit organizations to denote something good and positive. Hollywood often portrays their characters in white as being good; the white horse, the cowboy with the white hat, the white wizard etc.  White usually is associated with being pure and almost heavenly. White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and heaven.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spending Time Wisely

I often spend a lot of time thinking about how to get the most out of my days. I shared with you a last month some of my favorite time saving tricks and thought that you might be interested in a few more!

1. You already know this one, but it bears repeating: Eat right, and get enough rest and exercise! You might be reading and this and thinking, "I thought that you were going to tell me how to get more done not add to my list of things to do!" Well that's not the case! Scientifica studies will tell you that the above is the fundemental key to a productive life!
Food is the fuel our bodies need, and what we put in them makes a difference to our energy levels. Sugary foods, coffee and soda will give you energy, but they will also make you crash after a limited amount of time. If you eat 3 small, healthy meals a day with high protein snacks in between, you will find that your energy will be consistent throughout the day.
Anything that gets you up and moving counts as exercise; take the dog for a walk, take your kid to the park, or go for a bike ride! Not only is it  good for your body, but it's a great way to relieve stress. If you do not have a current workout routine, be realistic and cut yourself some slack. Go for a walk for 20-30 minutes before you try and run 3 miles.
Sleep is so important, and we've all heard the studies, so I will not go into that yet again. :)

2. Set up a time limit to complete a task. As a business owner, you have email to check, bids to get out, appointments to go to and so on and so on. Checking emails alone can take the entire day. Set time limits for each project, at the end of the set time, move on to your next project. Depending on where we are in our production schedule, I can be handling 5 separate types of jobs. I create a folder for each one and cycle through them, I make sure to prioritize whatever is most  important and I spend my time accordingly.

3. Know when you work best. Each person has a best time of when he or she does business. Start 
tracking when yours is and plan your days accordingly. I prefer to into the office really early in the morning, to get my paperwork done and free up the middle of the day to meet with customers, and then come back to the office and work on projects that require more paperwork. For some reason, I can concentrate on paperwork better from 7-10:00 am and 3-5:00 pm than I can in the middle of the day, when the phone is ringing and there are lots of other people in the office.

I really hope that these tips help! I will share more with you soon 
and I would love to hear some of your favorite tips!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Make a Mark - Signage for Business

Wikipedia defines Advertising as "a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering."

Well-thought out signage can be the perfect tool to add to your current Marketing Campaign. You can use signs to effectively communicate both who you are and what you have to offer. The great thing is, there are many types of signs to fit all business needs and budgets. There are endless ways you can use signs for your business.

Lawn signs are great if you're in the home service industry! When the homeowner is RAVING about how wonderful your workmanship is, and the professionalism you show, to all their friends at the neighborhood block party, your lawn sign will be a great point of reference so those new potential clients to get your contact information.

Vehicle signs How often do you find yourself running errands and are thinking about that long list of things that you still have to do? You walk by a van parked that is advertising mobile dry cleaning. How easy it for you to jot down the number and voila! one thing less on your to-do list. Here is a list of cars and vans that I saw driving to work today that advertise their business with vehicle signs: Cat groomer, housecleaning, pool cleaning, plumber, landscaper, BBQ restaurant and a mobile dog grooming. All of these were locally owned companies, some had elaborate paint jobs others just had a sticker with their logo, name and phone number.

Guy on the corner I drive by a pizza parlor on my way home from work, and everyday there is a young man or woman spinning around a sign with the restaurant's dinner special. They are listening to music and are very creative with their moves. I always enjoy the show and definitely know where the restaurant is now.

Banners and Flags Get your message across in bright bold colors and for an affordable cost, I have seen new business use banners as their temporary signs or more establish businesses use banners advertise a special offer or promotion. Please do check with your city ordinances regarding the use of banners; some cities and shopping centers place restrictions of these kinds of advertising.

Building Sign Let your customers know were you're located with a sign. The ideas are endless of where you can put a sign and how you can make it look. It is important that you check with your landlord and the city to make sure you are in compliance.

Electrical Signs -Don't be left out in the dark, be seen no matter what time of day it is! I think electrical signs or backlit signs are great if you want to attract business to your location at night.

Point of Purchase Signs The signs that your customers see when they are ready to make purchasing decisions; right at the register. This can be anything from banners, printed posters, floor signs or digital media boards. These can be a great tool for letting your customers know about other products that you offer and as well as other in store promotions.

Printed Posters A great way to display color posters of your products. How fun is it to show the latest hair cuts or your best selling product nice and big for all your customers to see?

Promotional Products This includes everything from pens to tee shirts. This can help reinforce your brand name and recognition, and people always like getting free stuff! I have seen companies create to-do list notebooks and give them to clients, magnets and re-usable shopping bags. These are great ways of getting your name out to the public.

Get creative and advertise your business (always check with you local rules and regulation to make sure it is legal please!) We all know how important advertising is in the success for a business. It is so important to make sure that your name is out for the public to see. Whether you are a store front, a contractor or a mobile service you can use signs to increase your business!

Friday, July 8, 2011

What is Your Marketing Strategy?

"What's my marketing strategy?" This is an obvious question to ask yourself if you're a new business just starting out, but if you've been in business for a number of years, it's always a good idea to ask yourself this very important question from time to time to make sure you're still on goal, or if it's time to change your direction.

A marketing strategy is a process that allows you to take a look at your overall business goals, products and target clients. Your strategy is an important part of your Marketing Plan and the two go hand in hand. It is a good idea to create a marketing strategy before your marketing plan. I put together a few questions that may be of some help when thinking about your marketing strategy. Please do not be afraid to use other resource to help you look further into this subject. The internet is a wealth of knowledge, and there are many great books written on the topic.

  • What does your business do? Might seem silly, but it's a good first step to establishing some of the other answers.
  • What makes your company unique? If you are having trouble answering this question, try asking your customers why they choose to use your service rather than your competitor.
  • Who is your target market? You already know at this point that not everyone will be your "perfect customer" so why not concentrate on finding out who your perfect customer is? What drives them? What are their needs? Why do they choose you versus your competitor?
  • How does your product or service make your customer's life better? Do you create a specific feeling for them? Does your product save them time? Does it save them money?
  • What would be the best way to reach your customers? Take into consideration your client's age, gender and lifestyle. This information can help you better define the types of advertising you will use to reach your clients.
This is not necessarily the exact time to put together your marketing plan; we will get more into that next month. For now, we just want to collect information and data to work with. You should also consider speaking with your management and staff, you will be surprised at what they may have been told by your customers.

A marketing strategy may seem like a lot of work, but it a wonderful tool; not only will it help you with your marketing plan but this is something you should share with your sales staff. Most of the questions that I asked above are the same ones that top salespeople use everyday.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Book Review: Power of Full Engagement

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal By James E. Loehr & Tony Schwartz

I would recommend this book to just about anyone; from a CEO to a business owner to a housewife. It looks at the whole picture of time management and not just small portions. With the use of real life examples, questionnaires, and simple to read principles, the authors help you start seeing the areas in your life where you may able to make changes that allow you to be more productive.

They suggest 4 basic principles that will help increase your energy:
1. Manage your energy, not your time There is nothing we can do about how many hours there are in a day. We gather energy from four separate, but very much related, sources: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual
We must try to nurture each energy source; this book does a good job at helping you see why each source is important, as well as helping you find the sources that will be meaningful to you.

2. You must take time to recharge Loehr noticed that top ranking tennis players would take the time between each set as they walked back to the service line to lower their heart rate. This brief moment allowed players to sustain a consistent playing level throughout their game. He suggests that you must schedule moments in your day to recharge your energy. This could be as simple as deep breathing, listening to music while eating your lunch, or going for a quick walk.

3. Train like an athlete Athletes push themselves a little bit further with every practice, yogis move deeper into poses with every breath. The end goal is to accomplish a little bit more with every workout. Why should life be any different? Stress should not be considered a bad thing, just a chance to strengthen a muscle. Make sure to push yourself, but allow yourself time to recover.

4. Routines will save you on energy and keep you focused A routine will allow you to move through specific times during your day without putting too much thought or energy into what you're doing. The ritual aspect of it can also help you create your strength and define your values. Loehr explains that is also okay to change your routines to help keep you excited and energized.

"The Power of Full Engagement" is broken up to two parts: Part One discusses the major premise and theories of the book in easy to read and understand sections. Part two is a guided process with questionnaires and worksheets you can start to find your own methods for your best performance.

The book is written with great examples and real life stories. I found it very easy to follow along and got a lot a great ideas on how I can make changes in my own life. I love when I find a book that can make an impact in my day to day way of living. The goal now is to apply what you have read and to stick to it. I will definitely read this book again.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this book, and if there are any other books you'd like to suggest for review, please let us know!